Invisible Girl Blog Tour Day 3: Invisible Girl Review

May 25, 2013

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What’s strange is that the day it actually happened, everything seemed so normal... Caught between arguing parents and moving house, twelve-year-old Gabriella Midwinter somehow slips through the cracks. Now she’s more alone than ever before. The city streets are no place for young girls but they’re all she’s got. Unless she can find her brother Beckett. Unless she can find her home.

Invisible Girl was a quick read with terrifying truths that will stay with you much after the last page. To believe that as we speak there are children our age being abused or living on the streets experiencing what Gabriella has is shocking. Invisible Girl didn't shy away from the truth and it made me appreciate my warm bed at night.

Gabriella was a character that I sympathised deeply with and sometimes I just wanted to scream at her parents for being so selfish and careless. I wanted to hug Gabriella and make her tell somebody what was going on in her life. Kate Maryon covers a really serious issue and at the beginning of the book it includes some terrible statistics : "100,000 kids in the UK run away from home each year", that's a lot. Little kids living on the street feeding for themselves, it's crazy.

Invisible Girl was a well written story and if your a fan of Cathy Cassidy and Jacqueline Wilson then you will like this one a lot. I felt protective over the characters and just wanted them all to find there happy ending. And there was one point where I was scrolling through the pages wondering how she was going to survive and curious if certain characters would change for the better. Invisible Girl certainly had me thinking, it's awareness about Homelessness and abuse is powerful and clear. Once I found the time to fully read it, I read it in one sitting. Invisible Girl was a short and interesting story with a big impact. And I will be looking out for more of Kate Maryon's books in the future.

Recommended age group: 9-12

To end this post, I have a question my friends! Answer by tweeting with #IGBlogTour or commenting below ☺

If you, just like Gabriella in Invisible Girl were forced to live on the streets, what three things would you like to find in your rucksack?

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  1. Hello, thank you so much for taking the time to write such a lovely review. I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Love, From Kate xx

  2. Great review! This book looks really emotional! 100,000 children run away?! :'( I'm glad the characters were easy to empathise with because this sounds like a story that needs good, strong characters.

    As for the question. I would want water, food and some form of warmth like blankets or even matches to set a fire... :P

  3. Hi! Sorry for the lack of comments. :((
    I haven't read this book yet but i really want to and my answer to the question:
    a never-ending supply of food and water and loads and loads of blankets. :)

  4. Gab sounds like a character I would connect with and feel for as well

  5. Great post and review! The statistics are truly horrifying and make me feel grateful about how lucky we all are.

  6. Great review! (: I totally agree about the recommended age group, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. And I'm also sure that Cathy Cassidy fans would love this! :D


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